Thursday, August 6, 2020

Re: scroll by screen line ?


> Is it possible to scroll like <C-e> but have it be
> virtual/screen line and not whole line ? I want
> to have wrap on, but also want to scroll by screen
> line when I have long lines.

The replies of Tony and Christian show that Vim is
designed for true plain-text files, which means hard
line breaks, and I, for one, fully approve of the
idea. We already have too much pseudo-plain-text
with line per paraphraph: in Usenet, e-mail, and
even certain markup languages including WikiMarkup
and DokuWiki.

May I ask what kind of soft-wrapped text you want to
edit in Vim? In my opinion, comfortable editing of
soft-wrapped text in Vim would require serions modi-
fions -- in order to make it virtually indistin-
guishable from editing hard-wrapped text. As things
stand, I prefer another editor whenever I need to
word with line-per-paragraph text files...

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