Saturday, August 1, 2020

Re: Strange behavior of vim-kolor with Markdown

On Fri, Jul 31, 2020 at 12:11:19PM +0300, Anton Shepelev wrote:
> Hello, all
> I have a problem with the beautiful vim-kolor plugin

Why don't you use regular settings for colorization of specific file
types? With `:filetype on' in your vimrc, colorization should be set to
the best use.

Using the molokai colorscheme in gvim on a markdown file, bold is
stone-red, italic is italicized, code (html for digraphs) is light-blue.
Works out of the box!

Indeed you may have to invest some time finding a nice colorscheme that
also fits your needs to display the markup. With some efford you also
can change a colorscheme's internals to tweak displaying at your needs.

Maybe just a simpler solution...


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