Saturday, September 19, 2020

Re: How to replace string in specific paragraph only?

------ Original Message ------
From: "Salman Halim" <>
To: "vim_use" <>
Sent: Saturday, 19 Sep, 2020 At 14:15
Subject: Re: How to replace string in specific paragraph only?

On Sat, Sep 19, 2020, 08:08 Sven Guckes <> wrote:
* Igor <> [2020-09-19 12:55]:
> I have the following sample text file: ...
> I need to replace string "aaa" with "bbb"
> only in paragraphs that starts with "XXX".


i wish i could write that with less characters. ;)


I can't think of a more efficient way. The only suggestion is to perhaps replace the last 'g' with a 'ge' on the off chance that a paragraph doesn't contain the text so that the whole thing won't give an error message.



didn't work for me - said bad range or words to that effect. This does:


I don't imagine aaa can occur in some other word, but in case, perhaps \<aaa\>.

Chris W
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