Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Re: `set t_Co=16` in vimrc file has no effect

Gary Johnson wrote:

> On 2020-09-26, Nikolay Belikov wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I've stumbled upon strange behavior in Vim 8.2 regarding `t_Co`
> > variable. This might be a bug, but more probably is just a case of
> > PEBCAK, so maybe someone could point me towards what I'm doing wrong.
> >
> > Background: I want to use my terminal emulator (which is plain old
> > `xterm`) color scheme across all TUI programs, including Vim. I've
> > added `set t_Co=16` to my `.vim/vimrc` file and expected Vim to limit
> > itself to 16 base colors (at least this is what all sources on Internet
> > say to do, which I managed to find). However, it appears that Vim does
> > not honor my will and resets `t_Co` to 256, unless I manually type `:set
> > t_Co=16` in command-line mode.
> >
> > I reduced my `vimrc` to the bare minimum needed to reproduce the
> > problem, and now it contains a single line:
> >
> > set t_Co=16
> >
> > At this point I'm unsure what to do and ask for your assistance. I
> > attach a log captured by running `vim -V100vim.log` as well as version
> > info (`vim --version >vim.version`), and I'm willing to provide any
> > other info that may be of help.
> Vim may change t_Co when it receives a terminal's termresponse.
> I noticed the same strange behavior some years ago with Vim setting
> t_Co to 256 in an xterm. See
> :help v:termresponse
> :help t_RV
> :helpgrep termresponse
> You can test this by adding this to your vimrc,
> set t_RV=
> and seeing if t_Co is still mysteriously reset to 256.
> You may be able to reset t_Co to 16 with this in your vimrc:
> autocmd TermResponse * set t_Co=16
> I say "may" because I've found that not everything works as I would
> expect it to in the environment of a TermResponse autocommand.
> See
> :help TermResponse

Vim has a special mechanism to request the actual termcap codes from
xterm. This happens after receiving the termresponse. Using the
TermResponse autocommand may do this too early.

There is actually no way to disable this mechanism without also
disabling some other stuff. It might be helpful to add an option to
disable the mechanism. 'termgetcodes', default on?
The function that sends the requests is req_more_codes_from_term().

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