Monday, October 12, 2020

Re: [HINT]: ctags is not working for me

On 2020-10-13, Kunal Chauhan wrote:
> >You should see an error message telling either that the tag was not
> >found or that there is no tags file.  Do you see an error message?  
> Gary,
> I am not receiving any error while doing the cntrl +].


In a quick search of the web, I found that the causes of that
problem include using a non-English (perhaps non-US) keyboard, or
something remapping Ctrl-].

Does it work to search for the tag from your keyboard? That is, try

:tag somekeyword

That should tell us if tags work at all and if the problem might be
with the Ctrl-] key combination.

You might try entering insert mode, typing Ctrl-V, then typing
Ctrl-], and seeing what appears. You should see


usually in blue. Also, executing

:map <C-]>

will show you any mappings of that key.


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