Saturday, October 17, 2020

Re: Inconsistent overkill behavior on various motions

On 10/18/20 1:12 AM, Brennan Vincent wrote:
> I am investigating the behavior of various motions when [count] exceeds
> the actual number of objects.
> Given buffer "abc abc":
> "2$" (with cursor on first column) does nothing (presumably an error).
> "2^" (cursor on last column) has the same behavior as "^".
> "2w" (cursor on first column) jumps to the last character on the line
> (same behavior as "2e").
> Comparison with the other vi implementations I have available:
> Neovim matches the behavior of Vim.
> Nvi errors on "2^"; otherwise the behavior is the same as Vim.
> Zsh with `bindkey -v` matches Vim.
> Readline apps in vi mode (e.g., bash with `set -o vi`) go as far as
> possible in all three cases (i.e., they match Vim, except that on "2$"
> they jump to the end of the line).

Actually it seems nvi matches vim in all cases. So bash/readline is the
only outlier.

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