Thursday, October 1, 2020

Re: `set t_Co=16` in vimrc file has no effect

Christian wrote:

> On Mi, 30 Sep 2020, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> > > As I recall, VimEnter is too early.
> Would a timer work?
> > > I often work remotely, with a terminal on my desktop at home or in
> > > an office and the host on which Vim is running many miles away,
> > > often through a relatively slow network. For a while, after either
> > > my xterm changed or Vim changed so that t_Co was reset after
> > > receiving the termresponse, my vim screen would flash at startup
> > > because it would first be drawn using t_Co=16 as set in my vimrc,
> > > then be redrawn a moment later at t_Co=256 when the termresponse was
> > > received.
> >
> > That's why I was thinking of disabling the mechanism, to avoid the
> > flicker. Of course you then need to manually set the value.
> Do you mean, if the option is set manually in vimrc, disable the
> termresponse? That would be a good compromise, I think.

Not the termresponse, it is used for several other things, but disabling
the mechanism to fetch the values from xterm, which is what causes t_Co
to change later, at an unpredictable time.

Don't Panic!
-- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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