Saturday, October 31, 2020

Re: the :sort command does not appear to give expected result

On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 10:26:47PM EDT, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 11:55 PM Chris Jones <> wrote:

> A "stable" sort is a sort which will keep lines with the same sort
> keys in the order they were before the sort. (If you sort on whole
> lines the difference is not visible, unless there exist different
> lines which sort as equal, but if you sort on "pattern" or on "first
> number" it may matter.)
> But there is another few sentences which may be relevant in the help
> for :sort, near the end, as follows:
> <quote>
> The details about sorting depend on the library function used. There is no
> guarantee that sorting obeys the current locale. You will have to try it out.
> </quote>
> $LC_COLLATE is the part of the locale which says how to sort. if
> $LC_ALL is set if overrides all the others, otherwise $LANG is used as
> a fallback for any locale variable which is not set. ":lang" with no
> arguments lists all settiings after taking care of $LANG and/or
> $LC_ALL if present.

Thanks for reminding me what 'stable' means in this context. What I am
driving at is that... stable or not... I just need sort to do the job
right, which in this particular use case appears not to be the case.

In other words when I use the vim :sort command the output should have
index entries starting with É under letter E... Œ under letter O, etc.
which as far as I know is the way things work with French language

As quoted above the ':help :sort' documentation proceeds to inform me
that I will have to 'try it out'. Seriously?

As it happens my original post explained just that. I 'tried it out' and
the result is either of two things: I did not 'try it out' right (user
error) or vim does not sort correctly (bug).

Now you're telling me that it's not vim's fault (couldn't care less
whose fault it is)... it's "the libary's".

So what's the next step?

Should I determine what library is at fault so I can discuss it with the
developer... or should I ask vim to kindly switch to a library that
actually works such as GNU's (coreutils) which as tested (cf. original
post) does sort correctly?

Thank you,


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