Sunday, October 4, 2020

Re: Switching to last-used tab

Hello everyone, I have a query regarding tab switching.

Currently, Vim uses a sequential approach to traverse through tabs,
as an example, assuming the following tabs to be opened:

Tab 1 | Tab 2 | Tab 3

while doing `gt` it will traverse from 1 to 2 to 3, and back to 1.

But isn't moving be better if we use last-used tab instead of sequential
approach. Like if I was at Tab 2 and moved to Tab 3, and then I do `gt`
then it moves to Tab 2 instead of Tab 1.

Also, if someone has some unique hack around it, will you please share?

Thanks everyone
CSAM Undergraduate | 2022 (hopefully :P)
IIIT-Delhi, India

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