Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Re: best library for data forms entry in vim

On 11/17/20 3:24 PM, rwmit...@gmail.com wrote:
> I would think sed is best choice as the entire substitution could be
> scripted.


> On Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at 2:40:26 PM UTC-5 hor...@gmail.com wrote:
> All,
> I need to quickly enter data for thousands of structured documents -
> ie: where I know the bulk of the document but there are placeholders
> for specific variables. Think something like this:
>     Dear <person>
>     We received your order for <name>, price <price>,
> quantity <quantity>, total <total>.
>     Please look over the above information to make sure that this is
> correct.
> I was hoping vim could do something like this, where it could limit
> the input for the user to just the categories - leaving the form
> intact, and where the different inputs could be linked so that some
> values could be calculated via the values in other inputs.
> In other words, an efficient form of excel.
> Anyways I was looking at vim.org <http://vim.org/>, and there are a
> number of forms libraries there but at first glance I'm not sure
> which one is the most supported, user friendly, or overall functional.
> So my question is what is my best bet? this would save many
> man-months worth of time and I was actually hoping that something
> like this would be supported natively in vim itself - but at first
> glance I don't see anything like this.
> Any pointers on this would be greatly appreciated.
> Ed
> (ps - 
>  My ideal interface would be something integrated into vim itself
> where I could embed pieces of perl or python code in the fields -
> and have the values of variables be set when users enter in these
> fields. Something like:
> Dear {{ $person }},
>     We received your order for  {{ $name }}, price {{ $price }},
> quantity {{ $quantity }}, total {{ sub { $price * $quantity } }}.
> but if there is an external form library that would do the
> equivalent I'd be happy to use it.
> )
> --
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