Saturday, November 21, 2020

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: .swp files

чт, 5 нояб. 2020 г. в 23:23, Ruben Safir <>:
> Let the user filing this crazy complaint use openoffice (or learn good habits).

About 10 or 15 year ago, I used an openoffice spreadsheet to keep some
of my data.
Then I suddenly lost all the data in that spreadsheet file just
because openoffice was
too slow to save it correctly during an unexpected blackout.

Since then I have no openoffice on my computer, always use text files to save
my data and edit them with just a plain text editor. For the last 7
years it has been Gvim.

Even if a sudden blackout happens, Gvim somehow manages to save all
the changes I recently made to my text files and recover them afterwards.

To make it more resilient, I have recently bought UPS. So, now I have
at least 3 minutes to manually save all my work during a sudden blackout.

Just my 5 cents. :)

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