Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Re: Mixing Vim9 and legacy script (was: Happy birthday!)

On Tue, 03 Nov 2020 11:44:26 +0100
Bram Moolenaar <> wrote:

> Steve Litt wrote:

> Yes, each file can be legacy script or Vim 9 script and one can source
> the other. You cannot switch halfway the file, that would be too
> confusing.
> You can use the new :def functions in legacy script. And you can use
> legacy functions in Vim 9 script. However, the mix of syntax can be
> confusing, thus I would recommend using :def functions in Vim 9 script
> and legacy functions in legacy script. You can make exceptions where
> you need to. E.g. keep using legacy script but move functionality
> that needs to be fast into a :def function.
> Keep in mind that Vim9 script is still under development, there are
> still quite a few todo items.

Is there any documentation on the new Vim9 script yet, and if so, where
is it. Also, congrats on and thank you for 29 years of a spectacular


Steve Litt
Autumn 2020 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

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