Saturday, November 14, 2020

Re: python syntax highlighting

On Fr, 13 Nov 2020, Mathieu Roux wrote:

> Hello,
> In fact, i have just installed all my stuff on a new computer.
> I did not installed consciently syntastic or vim-airline, but maybe i
> use it and i don't know.
> Bellow is my :scriptnames.

Well, according to your :scriptnames output, you have installed it as
your distros package.

> 21: /var/lib/vim/addons/plugin/airline.vim

Here is airline.

> 34: /var/lib/vim/addons/plugin/syntastic/autoloclist.vim

Here is syntastic

I suggest, either getting yourself familiarize with the plugins (by
reading the documentation) or disabling those plugins or uninstalling
those packages.

Man sollte wirklich nur die zusammen leben lassen, die ohne einander
sterben würden.
-- Ludwig Anzengruber

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