Thursday, December 10, 2020

Re: Changing encoding of an already loaded buffer

On 10/12/2020 5.58, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> The problem with ":setg fenc=utf8 bomb" is that *every* new text file
> will start with 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF unless you explicitly turn it off for
> that file by means of ":setl nobomb" or ":setl fenc=latin1" or similar
> before writing it.

That's the point, indeed

> For C sources this wil confuse the compiler
> (generating an error and preventing successful compilation) and for
> anything starting with a shebang (shell scripts, perl sources, etc.)
> it will prevent the #! shebang leader from being recognized. OTOH for

It's true, it depends on what you most do in the editor, if you need to
frequently create files that cannot have a BOM in them, it's most likely
inconvenient. Maybe use more than one editor, or aliases with different

I indeed personally use text editors mostly for normal textual or web
files, use mostly IDEs for programming, rarely edit shell scripts, and
it actually may well be that I usually left bomb disabled when using

Anyway, for textual files or filetypes that do support the BOM, I
believe it's more beneficial to include it, and that it should not be

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