Thursday, December 3, 2020

Re: Vim9 dict key notation old fashion depreciated

It's okay with this new notation and thank you for less chars as backslash.

Do profiler show performance gain for vimscript migrated in vim9 ?

g:fzf_colors = { fg: ['fg', 'Normal'],
bg: ["bg", "Normal"],
hl: ["fg", "IncSearch"],
info: ["fg", "IncSearch"],
border: ["fg", "Ignore"],
prompt: ["fg", "Comment"],
pointer: ["fg", "IncSearch"],
marker: ["fg", "IncSearch"],
spinner: ["fg", "IncSearch"],
header: ["fg", "WildMenu"],
['fg+']: ["fg", "CursorLine", "CursorColumn", "Normal"],
['bg+']: ["bg", "CursorLine", "CursorColumn"],
['hl+']: ["fg", "IncSearch"],

Le jeudi 3 décembre 2020 à 12:46:17 UTC+1, a écrit :
On Thursday, December 3, 2020 at 5:34:04 AM UTC-6 Bram Moolenaar wrote:
Looks like your problem is with the "fg+" key, the plus character is not
allowed in a literal key. You can use the Javascript notation, using
square brackets:


['fg+']: ["fg", "CursorLine", "CursorColumn", "Normal"],

What's wrong with 'fg+'? In JavaScript there's no need for brackets. It's there for want to you use a variable.

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