Thursday, January 7, 2021

Re: Autocmd doesn't trigger on symlinked directory

On Do, 07 Jan 2021, Marco wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to trigger a command when a file in a particular directory is saved.
> The solution discussed here work in general.
> However, I run into issues when the directory is symlinked as in
> this (as of now unanswered) question:
> So basically the issue is that vim resolves the symlink and doesn't
> trigger the autocmd. Example:
> mkdir -p ~/vim-test/foo
> cd vim-test
> ln -s foo symlink-to-foo
> " in .vimrc:
> augroup ft_customhelp
> au!
> au BufWritePost ~/vim-test/foo/file-* echo "~/vim-test/file_in_foo_was_saved"
> au BufWritePost ~/vim-test/symlink-to-foo/file-* echo "~/vim-test/file_in_symlink_to_foo_was_saved"
> augroup END
> vi ~/vim-test/foo/file-foo
> i foo <esc>:w
> → ~/vim-test/file_in_foo_was_saved
> rm ~/vim-test/file_in_foo_was_saved
> vi ~/vim-test/symlink-to-foo/file-bar
> i bar <esc>:w
> → ~/vim-test/file_in_foo_was_saved
> # rather than ~/vim-test/file_in_symlink_to_foo_was_saved
> How to trigger the autocmd reliably on symlinked directories?

I believe Vim always does always resolve to the final path, so it is not
possible what you want.

Natur ist Mathematik unter Zwangsbedingungen, das heißt, nicht jede
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