Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Re: color settings for different environments in vimrc?

On 2021-01-27, meine wrote:
> Hi,
> Working on my computer I sometimes use plain TTY and other times a GUI.
> I would like to set different colorschemes for that in my vimrc.
> At this moment I have following code, but it doesn't work at all -- vim
> only uses the nighted_16.
> if has('gui_running')
> set t_Co=256
> colorscheme molokai_dark
> set guifont=Monospace\ 10
> set columns=85 lines=30
> if has('x11')
> set t_Co=256
> colorscheme nighted_16
> set guifont=Monospace\ 10
> else
> set t_Co=16
> colorscheme nighted_16
> endif
> Any suggestions on how to improve it?

The code snippet above is missing something to end the first if,
either an endif, else/endif or elseif. You probably want to change
the second if to an elseif.


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