Friday, January 1, 2021

Re: exit from terminal OK?

> i started a :term from a gvim session to grep for a string, found the string
> and the module i wanted to edit, and from the terminal i started another
> gvim session to edit a 2nd file
> switching back to the 1st window i typed 'exit' in the terminal to end that,
> but it wouldn't end until i quit the 2nd gvim session
> is this the expected behavior? was i supposed to start my 2nd gvim with an
> ampersand at the end of the command?

The terminal is automatically closed when the job is finished. If you
start a child process, the parent process (the shell) will hang around
until the child is done. This the job isn't fully finished. You can
manually close the terminal though.

I think this is OK, although it might be unexpected that the terminal
window closes when the child process is done. And in this case any
output might be lost in the redraw.

To simulate the effect use this shell script:

sleep 3

And execute that from the shell, then type "exit".

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