Saturday, January 30, 2021

Re: sorting lines by two first virtual column

I have done that kind of sort from within Vim : sort /^.\{8}\zs.\{15}\ze/ r

But it ignores stamped date hour and not  two first columns >> then do the same job.

Le samedi 30 janvier 2021 à 19:27:41 UTC+1, a écrit :
The input isn't it order.  The lines ending in BAR should get intermixed with FOO.

On Saturday, January 30, 2021 at 11:25:56 AM UTC-5 wrote:

> I would like to sort lines by order ascendant by the alphabetical value of
> the two first columns.

Are you on Windoes, or an *nix?

(The example file would be more useful if the input was not in order.)

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