Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Re: syn region start="first line" end="first line"

if exists("b:current_syntax")

syn clear
set ft=firstlineonly
syn match FirstLine '^\%1l.*$'

if !exists("did_firstlineonly_inits")
let did_firstlineonly_inits= 1
hi link FirstLine Comment

" vim:
Oskar Sharipov wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm doing a syntax file for my own silly made up filetype. The first
> line of a file is always tag-section and I want to highlight it. There
> is no special pattern for searching by regexp --- the aim is to
> highlight the first line ALWAYS.
> For example, in this context:
> Blah-blah
> foo, bar,
> one, two, three.
> only "Blah-blah" must be captured for highlighting with `hi def` later.
> Could I use `syn region` for that purpose and how? If not what're other
> ways to do that?
Hope the attached file helps. It uses syn match with a pattern using \%1l .

Chip Campbell

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