Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Re: Trademark

Benjamin Atkin wrote:

> Is there a trademark for vim, and is this proprietary startup in violation
> of it?
> It doesn't look like they have a trademark, but when they do, perhaps it
> should be opposed. Startups often shorten their names, so it may not be
> great for them to get too much traction under this name.
> An example is seomoz shortening to moz.

There is no official trademark registration for "Vim" as a text editor.
Vim is registered for a household product (probably for a hundred
years already).

The website has no contact info, no idea who is behind this. Good luck
competing with the hundred other Calendar apps (including Google's free
calendar, used by millions of people, and Outlook).

It looks like for this product "cal" is an essential part of the name.
In case they do shorten it to "Vim" they would be clearly in trouble.

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
244. You use more than 20 passwords.

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