Saturday, January 2, 2021

Re: why doesn't min take more than 1 parameter?

Just do ":help min()", it will tell you:

min({expr}) Return the minimum value of all items in {expr}.
{expr} can be a |List| or a |Dictionary|.

So the simplest solution seems to be:

trunc(min([3, float2nr(1+log(1+line('$'))/log(10))]))

On Sat, 2 Jan 2021 at 22:49, L A Walsh <> wrote:
I have the expression:


to give me the width of the number columns when numbering is
on.  Seems that it is reserving a minimum of 3 columns, so I tried
using the 'min' function:


but I get E118: Too many arguments for function: min.

huh?  so how does one use 'min' to determine the lowest of 2 or
more numbers, or why doesn't the above work? :-(


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