Monday, February 15, 2021

Re: Debugging my config: filetype is set wrongly...

On 2021-02-15, tuxic wrote:
> Hi,
> is there any way to pinpoint the line, which is "guilty" for
> setting a wrong filetyoe somehow?
> Background:
> Currently I am editing troff files a lot. The extension of that files
> are *.mm. *.me, *.tmac, *.ms and so on...depending on what troff macro
> package will be used.
> Everything works fine...except for the *.mm files. In case of reading
> such a file, the filetyoe is set to "xml"...which is slightly wrong.
> :)
> By using an empty .vimrc I know, that the problem is somewhere inside
> my original .vimrc.
> Grepping for the usual suspect doesn't show anything obvious, though.
> Is there any way to pinpoint the code in my vimrc, which triggers the
> problem...?

The usual way to find where an option or setting has been made is to
use :verbose, like this:

:verbose set filetype?

Don't forget the question mark at the end.


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