Monday, February 1, 2021

Re: Highlight email headers with different colors

On Mo, 01 Feb 2021, Ian wrote:

> I want the headers colored in vim, when I edit/write the message.
> I have no problems for coloring the headers when viewing the messages in mutt.

I am using mutt with vim and :set edit_headers so I see some headers in
each message. If you have your filetype plugin enabled, Vim should
detect a mail from mutt as filetype mail and it colors headers already
using the provided syntax file for the mail filetype (see

If this is not enough for you, have a look inside this runtime file to
see how to color different headers.

Ich fürchte mich nicht vor dem, was zu fürchten ist, ich fürchte mich
nur vor der Furcht.
-- Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin

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