Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Re: Highlight email headers with different colors

On Di, 02 Feb 2021, Ian wrote:

> Definitely this is the way to go. I did try a few things as you suggested, without success.
> This requires some more time to understand the file syntax. But I do not have enough time, nor the expertise to
> properly understand the syntax of the file (which seems very condensed).
> I was expecting anyone has already a solution and willing to share.
> Thanks for the suggestions anayway.

I think the file should be named mail.vim, but otherwise Charles has
mentioned the way to go. FWIW, I never felt the way to color different
headers differently, the default here just colors the Subject line
slightly different than the rest and this just good enough for me, so I
never felt the need to adjust the existing syntax file.

Anyhow, if you want to adjust it, you'll have to read up on syntax
highlighting and regular expressions.


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