Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Re: Upgrade to recent version broke vimrc -- doesnt recognize unix style environmental variables

------ Original Message ------
Sent: Wednesday, 17 Feb, 2021 At 18:00
Subject: Re: Upgrade to recent version broke vimrc -- doesnt recognize unix style environmental variables

On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 09:47:09AM -0600, tom wrote:
I was working in vim and tried to sort something. The sort didn't work as I

I thought I would upgrade to version 8.0 in the hopes that would fix it.
The upgrade gave me a new problem.

in my vimrc there was the line

set backupdir=$HOME/vim/backup

This no longer works and yields the dreaded "E303: Unable to open swap file"

I fixed it this way

set backupdir=c:\\Users\\myuser\\Documents\\home\\vim\\backup,c:\\TMP

I would try running the following as an ex command:

:echo $HOME

It might be that Vim does not see a HOME environment variable on Windows.

it seems the equivalent Windows environment variable is HOMEPATH

Chris Willis
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