Friday, March 5, 2021

Re: " -> \(lq ... " -> \(rq

Hi Stan,

thanks a lot! :) Helps me a lot!


On 03/04 03:10, Stan Brown wrote:
> On 2021-03-04 14:36, wrote:
> > Troff distinquishes between the "opening"
> > double-quote and the "closing" double
> > quote by using \(lq nad \(rq instead.
> >
> > Is their a function or anything else,
> > which would allow me to write someting
> > which get closer to 100% error free
> > detection of opening and closing "
> > in vim?
> If you want the actual characters, this will take you to the next
> occurrence:
> /[""]/
> In other words, put the two quote marks within square brackets.
> If you want the troff sequences, use
> /\\([lr]q/
> The help text is at
> :h /[]
> --
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
> --
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