Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Re: Automating paragraphs (was Re: Dump help pages)

Den fre 16 apr. 2021 19:27Stan Brown <the_stan_brown@fastmail.fm> skrev:
On 2021-04-16 09:42, Julius Hamilton wrote:

> At the beginning of a paragraph which has been separated mid-sentence
> onto separate lines, how might I automate the process of calling CTRL-J
> until all the separated lines in the paragraph have been combined into
> one line? Will Vim be able to call CTRL-J until a condition is met, for
> example, that the single line being built ends in a sentence (a period),
> or until the next line is a blank newline?

I have the following in my .vimrc :

" Command to join lines in all paragraphs in a range/the whole buffer (Jp == join paras)
:com! -range=% Jp <line>,<line>g/^\s*\S/ .,/^\s*$/-join

" Explanation:
"  :g/^\s*\S/ " Go to the first in each sequence of non-blank lines
          " Actually every non-blank line but the result is the same here!
"  .,/^\s*$/- " "Select" all lines from the current to the one before the next blank line
"  join  " Join the "selected" lines

" Mapping to join lines in all paras in the buffer
:nnor Jp Go<esc>ggVG:Jp<cr>

" Explanation:
"  G " Go to the last line in the buffer
"  o<esc> " Add a blank line below the last so we are sure there is one!
"  gg " Go to the first line in the buffer
"  V  " Visually select the (first) line
"  G  " Extend the selection to the last line in the buffer
"  :Jp<cr> " Execute the command defined above

" Mapping to execute the :Jp command over the current visual selection
:vnor Jp :Jp<cr>



The short answer is go to the top of the paragraph and press Shift+V,
then to the bottom and press Shift+J (not Ctrl+J). You can automate this
further by writing a function that would figure out the top and bottom
of the paragraph via whatever logic you build in. See :help :function.

> Then, how might I automate the process of entering N newlines between
> every sentence? I.e., automating pressing ), i, enter a few times, then
> escape, for multiple sentences? I could create a shortcut to execute
> these commands and call it myself, or it could also repeat until the
> conditions above. How would I do either?

Example, for N = 4:
:imap <F9> <CR><CR><CR><CR><Esc>
Type the actual < and > characters as shown. To use this, at the end of
typing your paragraph do not press Esc but press F9 (or whatever key you

If you sometimes want to insert N blank lines in already-written text,
add this:
:map <F9> A<F9>
The previous map was active in insert mode; this one is active in normal
mode. It moves to the end of the current line ("A") in insert mode and
then appends the insert-mode version of F9.

Once you've verified that these work as you wish, you can put them in
your $VIM/_vimrc file so that they will be executed whenever you start Vim.

> Also, how do I go back to where the cursor previously was, in case I
> accidentally move it?

`` or ''
(One goes back to the _line_) where you were; the other goes back to the
exact position within the line.)

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

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