Monday, April 12, 2021

Re: regex that matches a modeline line

On 2021-04-12 09:30, Peng Yu wrote:
> It seems that modeline is quite flexible. Could anybody let me know
> the regex used by vim to determine what is a modeline and what is
> not a modeline? Thanks.

How loose is acceptable? Do you want to accept the most common
forms, or do you want the version-specific versions described at `help
modeline-version`? And do you only want to allow legit modeline
options, or can it be sloppy, allowing non-sandbox settings?

A simple pass might be


gets the basics. If you want to allow for modeline-version, perhaps


capture the options and, you can append


but if you want to limit it to just allowed options, you'd have to
either read the source or scrape `:help options.txt` for all
available options and remove those that are disallowed in the sandbox

:help options.txt
:g/This option cannot be set from a .*modeline.*sandbox/?^'?d

should get you a good starting list that you can then join and assert
that only these options are included.


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