Thursday, April 29, 2021

Re: What is fuzzy matching?

Tony wrote:

> The help for :vimgrep (in quickfix.txt with "Last change: 2021 Feb
> 05", maybe that date is in error) now mentions an [f] flag without
> saying what it does. One recent vim_dev thread makes me think that
> with the 'f' flag "fuzzy matching" is used. So I used :helpgrep
> \<fuzzy\> and found several mentions of fuzzy matching, but AFAICT
> they all assume that the reader knows what fuzzy matching is. Nowhere
> did I see the expression defined. So what is fuzzy matching?

It appears a part of the patch didn't end up in the git commit:

When the 'f' flag is specified, fuzzy string matching
is used to find matching lines. In this case,
{pattern} is treated as a literal string instead of a
regular expression. See |matchfuzzy()| for more info
about fuzzy matching.

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
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