Saturday, May 22, 2021

Re: Bug/inconsistency in /\%'/ in linewise-vs-characterwise?

On 2021-05-23 00:25, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Tim Chase wrote:
>> /\%'<\_.\{-}\%'>/
>> So then I highlighted some text in *linewise* visual mode ("V")
>> and hit <esc> and the highlight was removed. Using "n" to search
>> for the next match gave me an
>> E486: Pattern not found: \%'<\_.\{-}\%'>
> I guess the problem is that the '> mark is at "MAXCOL". That means
> "at the end of the line". But that position doesn't actually
> exist, so searching for "\%'>" fails.
> It probably works better when \%'> matches just beyond the last
> character of the line, like /\n does. You can create an issue for
> that.

That makes sense. Done:

(linking here just in case anybody else stumbles on this thread and
wants to follow along)

Thanks for looking into it.


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