Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Re: Insert non-rectangular selection

On 5/25/21 4:54 PM, Andre Tann wrote:
> I repeatedly have the following situation, and wonder how it
> can be handled better than I do it now. These lines must be
> merged
> /path;text
> /path;text
> /path;text
> with these:
> /subdir
> /longsubdir
> /longlongsubdir
> Result:
> /path/subdir;text
> /path/longsubdir;text
> /path/longlongsubdir;text
> What I do now is to mark and yank the second block, go to the
> first semicolon, and press P. Result is:
> /path/subdir        ;text
> /path/longsubdir    ;text
> /path/longlongsubdir;text
> But this is obviously not what I want. How can I avoid the
> extra blanks?

One option might be to remove the spaces after pasting.
Assuming that none of the paths themselves contain a semi-colon,
you could visually select the lines of text and run this
substitute command::

  :'<,'>s/ *;/;/

This finds zero or more spaces followed by a semi-colon and
replaces with just the semi-colon.  It has no ``g`` flag, so
this applies only to the first semi-colon on each line (which
will always exist in your situation and by assumption won't be
found in the paths).

Michael Henry

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