Thursday, July 1, 2021

Re: Introducing a dedicated unicode mode in Vim

On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 12:08:16PM +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> We already have support for input methods. These were originally aimed
> at Asian language, but should work for anything.
> Implementation of an input method is tricky and involves user
> preferences. Making something Vim-specific has the disadvantage that
> you can't use it in other programs.
Makes sense. I understand that a particular plugin (which may exist
somewhere) would be more appropriate or method which @meine mentioned.

On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 04:59:21PM +0200, meine wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 11:32:21AM +0530, Manas wrote:
> > I wanted to know that will it be interesting to add a dedicated support
> > for typing unicode characters in Vim? Like we have insert and replace
> > modes, will it be useful to have a "unicode-mode" which when activated
> > can enable a typist to type in unicodes at ease and allow them to type
> > those characters continuously? Current implementations of using <C-v> for
> > unicodes and <C-k> for digraphs become tedious for typing continually.
> Probably you can set this in your .vimrc:
> `autocmd set digraph`
> I had the reverse problem a while ago in mutt, where vim is my editor --
> making a typo, hitting <backspace>, typing the right character and
> ending up with Japanese katakana or hiragana. After some searching, I
> found out that I had a line in my .vimrc that triggered this when
> writing an email. Your wish is the reverse of this, although I don't
> know if the line above is syntaxually right. But you just can find out.
> As with my line that only worked when composing an email in mutt, you
> could set it in your .vimrc only to work for specific file types, etc.
> The original line I had is
> `autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead /tmp/mutt* set noautoindent filetype=mail
> wm=0 tw=78 digraph nonumber nolist`
> Since I am a search-copy-paste sysadmin, I can't tell you what to change
> for your purposes, but there is plenty of info on the Net.
Thanks a lot! Probably will end up using this.

On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 07:07:12PM -0700, L A Walsh wrote:
> On 2021/06/26 23:02, Manas wrote:
> > Hi folks, I was thinking about the following idea.
> > As Rust introduced usage of non-ascii characters as identifiers
> ----
> You do realize perl has had that for over a decade?
I didn't know that.


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