Monday, July 5, 2021

Re: Prevent vim from polluting the file system with a bunch of temporary $HOME/.viminf[a-z] files

Side note, a "tmux" or "screen" session can helpful when network
connectivity is and issue.

On 2021-07-03 3:21 p.m., Chris Jones wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 01, 2021 at 09:37:33AM EDT, arocker@Vex.Net wrote:
>>> The best way to avoid having those files laying around is to find
>>> out why Vim is unable to rename them and fix that problem. Watch
>>> for error messages when Vim closes.
>> Possibly a permissions problem? A look at the permissions and ownership of
>> the files and the containing directory might offer some clues.
> According to the vim help (help wv):
> When you get error "E929: Too many viminfo temp files"
> check that no old temp files were left behind (e.g.
> ~/.viminf*) and that you can write in the directory of
> the .viminfo file.
> I would imagine I can write to my $HOME directory...?
> As to ownership I was in the middle of some sticky issue and I deleted
> the files as suggested by the E929: error message (instead of moving
> them to some safe place or other) so I cannot verify that but I would
> also imagine that I am/was the owner thereof.
> I have a feeling this may have to do to with my having had a series of
> lockups lately where the only option was ssh'ing to the box and issuing
> 'shutdown -r now' commands as the only way out. Tried to recreate the
> situtation but haven't had any luck so far.
> One possible work around would be to direct the files to /tmp (or
> a subdirectory of /tmp) rather than my home directory where they would
> be taken care of when the machine is restarted but I haven't found a way
> to persuade vim do just that. Shouldn't /tmp/... be the place where temp
> files are created?
> Anyway, now I have at least a vague idea of what these files are for so
> I'll stop worrying and live with it.
> Thanks,
> CJ

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