Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Re: Enabling/Disabling Vim features during compilation

P.S. In my previous post, the attachments are Big, Huge, Normal, Small
and Tiny in that order. I think the second one (Huge) is maybe the
most interesting one.

Best regards,

On Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 4:47 PM Tony Mechelynck
<antoine.mechelynck@gmail.com> wrote:
> When running incremental make (running make after a source update,
> without rerunning configure, in order to compile only what is
> necessary, i.e. changed modules plus anything that depends on them) it
> may happen (rarely but not never) that make spontaneously decides to
> rerun configure. Of course, if you pass configure arguments on the
> configure command-line, make won't have them at hand. The "safe" way
> is never to run configure yourself, but always let make do it, and
> pass configure arguments to make by means of environment variables.
> I'm attaching as examples the scripts which I use to compile one
> version each of Huge, Big, Normal, Small and Tiny Vim, in each case
> plus or minus some particular features which I want to have or not to
> have in that particular build of Vim. These scripts (written for the
> bash shell) must be "sourced", not "run", by the same shell which will
> run "make" (and/or "make config" "make reconfig" "make install" etc.)
> When there are new patches, I run five instances of make in parallel,
> each in its own shell with its own configuration. If you want to use
> these scripts, at least one line (the "compiled by" line) and possibly
> others, must be changed: use your best taste and good judgment. These
> scripts happen to have the same filename: don't download them under
> that name into the same directory.
> Best regards,
> Tony.

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