Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Re: goyo plugin and artifacts in TTY

> > When starting Goyo, artifacts of the previous screen-wide display of the
> > text stay. Scrolling though the text doesn't remove them (as opposed to
> > Goyo in a GUI, where resizing the window removes the artifacts).
> I have seen this, only with the Apple Terminal app. It looks like a bug
> in Terminal, since Vim cannot produce this pixel dust. You can report
> the problem to Apple (but they have a history of being very
> unresponsive).

The problem is in the FreeBSD Operating System, with vim version
8.2.3458 but also on earlier versions.

It is *not* in some app, but plain TTY console/terminal -- no GUI
whatsoever (yep, this OS can do such basic things ;-). In FreeBSD version
13.0 p4, I use the default VT terminal for TTY.

Routine is to first ask at the program level, so I dropped it here.
Since you don't recognize the problem, I'll ask at the OS-level.

Thanks anyway,

Kind Regards,


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