Monday, December 27, 2021

Re: GVIM replace from clipbrard?

On Mon, Dec 27, 2021 at 12:12 PM 'Paul' via vim_use <> wrote:
On Sun, Dec 26, 2021 at 08:42:41AM -0800, Mike Schleif wrote:
>I use VIM on various *NIX platforms.
>I use GVIM on various MS Windows hosts.
>I often do this:
>1. Copy a string to the clipboard
>2. Visual mode select a string
>3. :s/<type a string to be replaces>/<Ctrl-v the clipboard string>/g
>4. Enter - replace all substrings
>This works delightfully everywhere - EXCEPT on Windows host!
>On that host, Ctrl-v pastes the entire Visual Mode selection - NOT the
>originally copied string!
>I'm sure that I've got something in that host's VIMRC; but, what is it?

See :help CTRL-Q

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Although I think I understand :help CTRL-Q, I fail to understand how that resolves the different behavior on one host.

Please, advise. Thank you.

~ Mike

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