Sunday, January 16, 2022

Re: vim9 script lambda

This is a link of simple test.

Le dimanche 16 janvier 2022 à 16:53:16 UTC+1, Bram Moolenaar a écrit :

Ni Va wrote:

> Using this simple vim9script imported from $MYVIMRC, I encounter a lambda
> error that I don't happen to find the origin.
> [image: Capture.PNG]

The code you included does not have a lambda definition. You can
probably find out where they were coming from with:

:verbose func <lambda>7

> *Code*
> com! -nargs=1 -bang -complete=dir Zip call MainHelper.ZipUpDir(<bang>
> '<args>')

This "<bang>" appears to be misplaced.

Otherwise, the lines have been split in the mail system, thus it's a it
difficult to reproduce anything.

You know you use Vim too much when you have this alias in your
~/.bashrc file: alias :e=/bin/vim (Eljay Love-Jensen)

/// Bram Moolenaar -- -- \\\
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