Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Re: [VIM] Re: [VIM] Re: [VIM] Re: vim/colorschemes: Request For Comments

On Mon, 14 Feb 2022, Romain Lafourcade wrote:

> @Walter, your murphy is still the built-in one so I suspect either a flawed
> installation of the vim/colorscheme package or a bug in your plugin manager.
> Could you try the :help package method instead?
> 1. Create this directory hierarchy:
> $ mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/colors/start/
> 2. Get the project in there:
> $ cd ~/.vim/pack/colors/start
> $ git clone https://github.com/vim/colorschemes.git
> 3. This should give you this:
> ~/.vim/pack/colors/start/colorschemes
> which should put the remade colorscheme before the original one in
> runtimepath.
> Le mardi 15 février 2022 à 04:43:12 UTC+1, Charles Campbell a écrit :

I installed it as you suggest. Now in my .vim I have:

└── colors
└── start
└── colorschemes
├── colors
│   ├── blue.vim
│   ├── darkblue.vim
│   ├── delek.vim
│   ├── desert.vim
│   ├── elflord.vim
│   ├── evening.vim
│   ├── industry.vim
│   ├── koehler.vim
│   ├── morning.vim
│   ├── murphy.vim
│   ├── pablo.vim
│   ├── peachpuff.vim
│   ├── README.txt
│   ├── ron.vim
│   ├── shine.vim
│   ├── slate.vim
│   ├── tools
│   │   ├── check_colors.vim
│   │   ├── sample_base.vim
│   │   ├── sample_diff.vim
│   │   ├── sample_messages.vim
│   │   └── sample_popupmenu.vim
│   ├── torte.vim
│   └── zellner.vim
├── colortemplate
│   ├── blue.colortemplate
│   ├── darkblue.colortemplate
│   ├── delek.colortemplate
│   ├── desert.colortemplate
│   ├── _diff
│   ├── elflord.colortemplate
│   ├── evening.colortemplate
│   ├── industry.colortemplate
│   ├── koehler.colortemplate
│   ├── morning.colortemplate
│   ├── murphy.colortemplate
│   ├── pablo.colortemplate
│   ├── peachpuff.colortemplate
│   ├── ron.colortemplate
│   ├── shine.colortemplate
│   ├── slate.colortemplate
│   ├── _tcozero
│   ├── torte.colortemplate
│   └── zellner.colortemplate
└── README.md

that it is exactly what I had before under bundle (it is where vundle puts the
installed packages).

Anyway nothing has changed and I still see the style rendered differently in
the GUI and in the terminal.

The value read by : verbose didn't change:

:verbose hi Normal
Normal xxx ctermfg=121 ctermbg=0 guifg=lightgreen guibg=Black
Last set from /usr/share/vim/vim82/colors/murphy.vim line 14

So the issue is not bound to vundle.



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