Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Re: syntax for "map key test?'cmd1':'cmd2'|:cmd3|:cmd4"

On Di, 26 Apr 2022, dado wrote:

> I have the following (pseudo code) mapping working:
> nmap <expr> key some-expr ?
> \ 'cmd1<Bar>:cmd3<CR><Bar>:cmd4<CR>' :
> \ 'cmd2<Bar>:cmd3<CR><Bar>:cmd4<CR>'
> As you can see the conditional selects between cmd1 and cmd2, but both
> execute cmd3 and cmd4.
> I'd like to move cmd3 and cmd4 outside of the conditional as in
> nmap <expr> key some-expr?'cmd1':'cmd2'<Bar>:cmd3<CR><Bar>:cmd4<CR>
> The problem is I get cmd1 or cmd2 to execute, but never cmd3 or cmd4.
> I know I could move this to a function but I'd like to understand the
> syntax.

Try something like the following:
nmap <expr> (key some-expr ? 'cmd1<Bar>' : 'cmd2<Bar>') .. ':cmd3<CR><Bar>:cmd4<CR>'

Note sure about all the `<Bar>`s and `<CR>`s :)

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