Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Re: TERM (was Cursors)

On 6/15/22 2:44 PM, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Yes, that is indeed a problem. Lots of terminal emulators keep popping
> up, many with the same or similar base, and adding one more feature.
> They don't bother distributing a correct termcap/terminfo entry and
> just use something like "xterm" for $TERM.

I wonder how much of that is by conscious choice vs ignorance.

> I have been thinking of a way to just ignore termcap/terminfo and
> let the terminal tell us what it's features are. Xterm does this
> partially, but there can be artifacts (e.g. when Vim exits very
> quickly). I haven't found the right solution yet.

I'm curious. Though that is probably even further off topic.

> It works well compared to other solutions (e.g. Putty). If you can't
> get it to connect double check the settings. It works for me (when
> I get the domain or IP address and port right).

I suspect that my problem is related to the super tight security
settings that $CORP_IT has put in place since the last time I tried to
use it.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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