Monday, July 4, 2022

Re: on docx extension opened; getting zip#Browse error message on unzip try

пн, 4 июл. 2022 г., 11:34 N V <>:
ok so, using 7z standalone .dll is it possible to specify 7z.dll in state of executable ?

Le lundi 4 juillet 2022 à 10:03:08 UTC+2, Eike Rathke a écrit :
Hi N,

On Sunday, 2022-07-03 23:09:46 -0700, N V wrote:

> It's surprising to get this kind of error message of embedded zipplugin
> while it tried to unzip docx Microsoft Word Document.
> [...]
> but think it could be better if not automatically zipPlugin tried to unzip
> inappropriate files.

.docx documents *are* zip containers.


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Use LibreOffice!

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Not mentioning the need for support of specific library API, even the ability of calling shared objects aka dynamic libraries from within VimScript is very limited by design. IOW, forget this.


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