Sunday, July 24, 2022

Re: vim with gui in windows

Thank you Gary for the answer.
I would like for example to have "Visual selection automatically copied to the clipboard." in windows as it is described here -
Console vim cannot provide it because it works only when gui is enabled.
Btw, what is the difference between linux and windows so that first allows to run gui wim in a terminal but second doesn't?


On Sun, 24 Jul 2022 at 10:43, Gary Johnson <> wrote:
On 2022-07-23, Igor Spiridonov wrote:
> Hi.
> I want to use a console vim and use guioptions. In Linux i can run vim-gtk -v
> to run gui vim in tui. In windows -v still opens gvim in a separate window. Is
> there a way to do what i want?

Strictly speaking, you can't use guioptions in a non-GUI (i.e.,
terminal or console) Vim because it has no GUI.

In Linux, a single Vim binary can be run in either mode because
Linux allows that.  In Windows, the GUI and non-GUI versions must be
different binaries.

Whether there is a way to do what you want depends on what you want.
In Windows, you can run the non-GUI version by executing "vim", and
the GUI version by executing "gvim".

Is there some specific feature you want in Windows that your gvim
has and that your vim does not?


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