Friday, July 22, 2022

Re: vim9 _vimrc compatibility with vim8 plugin

It's like when setting a global variable from _vim9rc, it affects vim8 script same global variable.

Le vendredi 22 juillet 2022 à 10:54:33 UTC+2, N V a écrit :

Encoutering this error as i attempt to use gutentag vim8 plugin and have $MYVIMRC in vim9script.

Error detected while processing foo:\barfoo\Vim\vimfiles\plugged\vim-gutentags\plugin\gutentags.vim:
line   44:
E745: Using a List as a Number
E16: Invalid range
" foo:\barfoo  \Vim\vimfiles\plugged\vim-gutentags\plugin\gutentags.vim" 120L, 4588B


In _vimrc I set a global var gutentags_add_default_project_roots in _vimrc vim9script that seems to have side effect to  vimfiles\plugged\vim-gutentags\plugin\gutentags.vim line 44.

any idea ?thanks NV



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