Friday, August 12, 2022

Building VIM 9 on Ubuntu

Solved (more or less).

I now understand the point of "build-dep" and it works (but see below).  Before posting, I had searched the web and found something about build-dep that implied it was a package to install (rather than a command).  Note that there is also something called "build-essentials" that *is* a package to install.

Anyway, the command: apt-get build-dep vim-gtk3
failed on the main the Ubuntu machine that I was originally working on - got lots of errors like:

Package something something depends on somethingelse somethingelse which is not going to be installed.

I'm guessing the repos for that version of Ubuntu are just too old (no longer maintained).

However, on a different Debian-ish system, I was able to do the build-dep command successfully and then to successfully build Vim9 with GTK GUI.  So, that's something, I guess.

The only ./configure option I needed to include was the --prefix=...

BTW, I don't understand the stuff here about using environment variables, but that's OK.

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