Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Re: Content of syntax regions

вт, 23 авг. 2022 г. в 20:02, Charles Campbell <campbell@drchip.org>:
BPJ wrote:
> For my DSL I have a syntax region for text between a pair of
> delimiters inside which other syntax items should come in a specific
> order, say first dslFoo, then dslBar, then dslBaz.
> I can use nextgroup=dslBar to declare which item should come after
> dslFoo and so on, but how do I declare that the first item inside the
> region must be a dslFoo? Is there a better approach than defining the
> opening delimiter as a match item to be followed by a dslFoo item and
> so on, but doesn't that prevent me from using contains and
> containedin? I wish I could do something like firstcontained=dslFoo on
> the region.
> What is the best way to do this?
> /bpj
Good luck with getting this! I've asked for it over a decade ago. Bottom
line: currently, you can't.

Uses: region would start properly but, since its a region, would allow
it to be folded, syntax changed (perl/tex/sh) for start/end patterns, etc.

Chip Campbell

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What if you define dslFoo after both dslBar and dslBaz? Won't it be enough?

Kind regards,

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