Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Re: Import vim9 script as that and map that.func fails

# Imported Functions {{{
import autoload 'nvhelper.vim' as that                     SUCEED
call that.HLNext(80)                                                    SUCEED
map foo :call that.HLNext(80)<CR>                          FAILS
var FooFunc = that.HLNext
map foo :call FooFunc(80)<CR>                                 FAILS

Le mercredi 3 août 2022 à 10:44:51 UTC+2, N V a écrit :

Would import vim9 script as that. It seems to work when I directly call that.foobar.

But how to map the same call in a nnoremapping ?
Thank you

# Imported Functions {{{
import './vimfiles/autoload/nvhelper.vim' as that
nnoremap n n:call that.HLNext(80)<CR>
nnoremap N N:call that.HLNext(80)<CR>

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