Thursday, August 11, 2022

Re: vim9 exported functions not recognized by ctags

On 2022-08-10, Lifepillar <> wrote:
> On 2022-08-10, N V <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Exported functions in New vim9 are not found by exubérant ctags, universal
>> ctags and not displayed by tagbar plugin
>> Is there a work around.

I'd like to elaborate a bit more on my previous reply, as I had just
played a bit more with the issue. In the following, "Ctags" means
Universal Ctags, because that is what I am using.

Ctags supports Vim out of the box. You may check which entities are
supported with `ctags --list-kinds=vim` from the command-line. That
currently gives me:

a autocommand groups
c user-defined commands
f function definitions
m maps
v variable definitions
n vimball filename
C constant definitions

Each "kind" (i.e., entity) is identified by a letter, and has a name
(not shown) and description. You may extend Ctags support for Vim by
creating a ~/.ctags.d/vim.ctags configuration file. In that file, you
define new "kinds" and corresponding regexes to recognize them. Each new
kind is also identified by a letter: be careful not to use the already
defined letters!

My current ~/.ctags.d/vim.ctags looks as follows:

--kinddef-vim=e,export,Vim 9 exported defs
--kinddef-vim=g,global,Vim 9 global variables
--kinddef-vim=K,const,Vim 9 constants

The value of --kinddef is a triple <letter>,<name>,<description>. Each
regex item has three parts /A/B/C/:

- A is the pattern that recognizes an entity;
- B is the value that should be returned for that entity (what Tagbar
will display);
- C is the identifier of the entity, as defined in --kinddef.

So, the logic is: "if a line matches A, return the value B of kind C".

You may check that your configuration is correct by running `ctags
--list-kinds=vim` again. With the configuration file in place, you
should get:

a autocommand groups
c user-defined commands
f function definitions
m maps
v variable definitions
n vimball filename
C constant definitions
e Vim 9 exported defs
g Vim 9 global variables
K Vim 9 constants

Now, you need to configure Tagbar. Create
`~/.vim/after/ftplugin/vim.vim` and execute:

:TagbarGetTypeConfig vim

This will paste into the buffer Tagbar's current configuration, which
should look like this:

let g:tagbar_type_vim = {
\ 'kinds' : [
\ 'n:vimball filenames',
\ 'v:variables:1:0',
\ 'f:functions',
\ 'a:autocommand groups:1',
\ 'c:commands:0:0',
\ 'm:maps:1:0',
\ ],
\ }

Now, it's a matter of adding the new kinds, possibly removing those that
you don't need, and reordering the items the way you want them
displayed. I like to use vim9script, so my current script looks as


if !exists('g:tagbar_type_vim')
g:tagbar_type_vim = {
'kinds': [
'e:exported defs',
'g:global variables',
'a:autocommand groups:1',

That's it! You may need to restart Vim for the changes to take effect.

You will notice that def's parameters are not shown for exported defs,
and that is intentional, because I don't find them useful. But you may
of course adapt Ctags's regexps to include those, and in general to fit
your taste.

Hope this helps,

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