Wednesday, August 3, 2022

strange difference in UI for identical .vimrc

I have two machines with 8.2.2263 and 8.2.5052 respectively with the
following .vimrc (same NIS account/NFS home dir) and in the 2263
machine shows a transparent background (which is what I want) and the
5052 shows and opaque one which is not what I want (See screen shots).
How do I make 5052 behave like 2263.

.vimrc (note both machines get the syntax highlighting correct and
2263 is accessed via ssh using XFCE4's Terminal emulator from the
machine 5052 is on):
set term=xterm-256color
set t_Co=256
set t_u7=
set noautoindent
runtime colorscheme colors/slate.vim
syntax enable
:set noincsearch
:hi Constant ctermfg=220
:hi String ctermfg=220
:hi Identifier ctermfg=lightblue
:hi javaCommentTitle ctermfg=yellow
:hi javaDocComment ctermfg=178
:hi javaCommentTitle ctermfg=178
:hi javaAnnotation ctermfg=lightblue
:hi Comment ctermfg=178
:hi javaDocTags ctermfg=Yellow
:hi htmlTag ctermfg=220
:hi htmlEndTag ctermfg=220
:hi javaScriptBraces ctermfg=white
:hi javaScriptParens ctermfg=white
:hi javaScriptType ctermfg=white
:hi javaScriptFunction ctermfg=lightblue
:hi xmlTag ctermfg=lightblue
:hi xmlTagName ctermfg=lightblue
":set t_ti=^[[?1049h
":set t_te=
set mouse-=a

Aryeh M. Friedman, Lead Developer,

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