Thursday, September 8, 2022

RE: [EXTERNAL] Gvim taking a minute or more to start

From: <> On Behalf Of A. S. Budden
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2022 9:44 AM

> On my work PCs, gvim seems to take an incredibly long time to start up, sometimes as much as 90 seconds.


Is this a PC that is attached to a network that has IT governing HOMEDRIVE?


> In timecost1.txt, we have:


4579.000  030.000  030.000: sourcing $VIM\_gvimrc
42416.000  37840.000: starting GUI


Reason being, 5 seconds was to open $VIM\_gvimrc (which, on my computer is %HOMEDRIVE%\_vimrc).  If you have latency when accessing %HOMEDRIVE% perhaps that is your issue?


I had a similar issue and remapped my %HOMEDRIVE% (in Windows 10) to a local directory by creating a shortcut within Startup with:


C:\Windows\System32\subst.exe P: "A:\home"


My vim now starts up nicely -- though, I no longer have a network attached HOMEDRIVE.





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